Blue Cat Spinal Vibe
Spinal Vibe offers up to 3 rotative speakers, with full control over the rotational behavior of each speaker: you can not only select their rotation speed and curve, but also the amount of Doppler, amplitude modulation and dampening independently, as well as their acceleration and deceleration characteristics.
The plug-in provides a simple control to select either slow or fast speed and anything in between, together with a brake to stop the rotation instantly. The rotation can also be synced to the host tempo, and the phase of each rotating speaker can be adjusted too.
It is also possible to mix the dry signal with the rotated signal(s) together to create interesting phasing modulation effects thanks to phase cancellation.
More than a simple rotary speaker simulation, Spinal Vibe offers a wide range of modulation effects that can be produced by the rotation of several sound sources.
Blue Cat Audio Standards
- Available in most plug-in formats for Mac and Windows.
- Full MIDI control and automation support, MIDI Learn.
- No CPU load on idle: processing shuts down when fed with silence (optimal CPU usage).
- Customizable user interface with transparency .
- Any sample rate supported.
- Advanced rotary speaker emulation.
- Up to 3 speakers.
- Slow and fast speed, with control over the acceleration and deceleration for each speaker.
- Brake control.
- Rotation can be synced to tempo.
- Control the phase and rotation direction of each speaker.
- Manage the amount of each effect: doppler, tremolo and filter.
- Adjust the volume of each speaker.
- Independent stereo control for each speaker.
- Manage the crossover filters frequency and slope.
- Find new tones easily with the Tone Maps explorer.
- Multicore processing to minimize CPU usage.
Tech Specs
Cpu: An Intel processor.
Version: Mac OS 10.5 or newer.
Version: Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10.