THR Compactor

THRSKU: 1508-1002

Sale price$49.99

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Work fast and don’t worry about having to control multiple Parameters. Compactor does this for you! Select a preset, adjust the threshold, and that’s it!
In-depth control over the dynamics of your music, including tempo-synced release, Lookahead, gain-reduction limit, and more!


  • Automatic Threshold.
  • Automatic Attack & Release Times.
  • Automatic Knee: sets the knee curve and ratio according to the threshold (Excellent for Vocal processing).
  • Gain Reduction Limit
  • Release Hold
  • Tempo-synced Release
  • Auto Attack & Release Times
  • 4x and 8x Oversampling
  • Ext S/C compatible
  • Internal Sidechain High Pass Filter up to 1000Hz
  • Lookahead
  • Auto Gain
  • Presets

Tech Specs

  • Mac:
    Ram: 2
    Version: 1.1.0
  • Windows:
    Ram: 2
    Version: 1.1.0

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