THR deBleed

THRSKU: 1508-1000

Sale price$39.99

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THR deBleed

The THR deBleed is a drum gate designed to mainly remove cymbal bleed while keeping the kick, snare, and toms intact. It does this by processing the cymbal frequencies independently from the rest of the kit, resulting in a natural-sounding drum kit without any cymbals.


  • Input Selection: Kick, Snare, Toms
  • Analyze: Automatically sets the Threshold and debleed parameters.
  • Preset Manager
  • Ghost Notes: Lowers the threshold to account for ghost notes (Should be used when automating)

Tech Specs

  • Mac:
    Ram: 4
    Version: 1.1.1
  • Windows:
    Ram: 4
    Version: 1.1.1

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