MMorph lets you morph between 2 audio materials, leading to inexhaustible creative potential. It sounds unbelievable, is extremely versatile and insanely fast. MMorph is an indispensable tool for composers, producers and DJs, who really want to be creative.
Unlike simple cross-fading, which is just like have 2 faders one going down and the other going up, MMorph analyzes both input signal, one sent via the main input and the other via side-chain, analyzes both and finds important features and morphs them instead.
Much like morphing photo of one person to another. It can be used to combine voices to any tonal instrument, produce robotic voices, morph between 2 different songs etc. And all of that complex mathematics is available using just one big knob!
You might ask what features it could find when morphing between subbass and vocal. Well, originally these don't have much in common, yet it still works. How? MMorph has a huge set of features such as spectral compression, harmonic generation etc., which, besides their creative potential, can sort of make these materials a little more alike, enough to produce lots of original and interesting results.
If that just isn't enough for you, the neverending potential of our modulators will be at your disposal. Modulate any parameter from sources such as an LFO, audio level follower, envelope generator, randomize, or pitch detector. Your sound will never be static again.