Zynaptiq PUNCH

ZynaptiqSKU: 1063-89

Sale price$149.00

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Add organic, musical punch and contour to your sounds, tracks, stems or mixes with our mastering-grade, intelligent impact inductor PUNCH. Built on our expertise in source separation, signal statistics, frequency domain processing, and filter design, PUNCH adds anything from airy snap to beefy long attack compressor overshoot impact to smooth dynamics contouring to your audio easily, quickly, and with zynaptiq quality.

PUNCH works equally well for individual sounds and complex material like mixed music, even if excessive dynamics processing was applied that would leave traditional transient shapers nothing to go on, and applies its processing to all sound components separately, with up to more than a hundred bands of exquisitely engineered filtering. Throw in two alternative algorithms, a transparent sounding output clipper, support for up to 16 channels for immersive workflows, and our trademark workflow, and you're all set for punchy, present and transparent sound in seconds!


  • Add punch to your audio, with adjustable release time ranging from very short snaptransients via medium length impact attacks right up to smooth dynamics expansion, for individual sounds or full mixes.
  • Add airy presence, mid-range twang, meaty ooomph, give your sounds more contour, or reduce over-compression effects on mixes...and anything in-between.
  • Intelligent, advanced statistics based CRYSTAL and SMOOTH processing algorithms with reconstruction based on 10 or 100+ super-clean minimum phase bands, respectively.
  • Easy frequency dependent processing using our BIAS functionality and visual hover menus.
  • Transparent sounding, oversampled or multi-band output clipper.
  • Zero latency processing.
  • Support for up to 16 channels for immersive workflows.
  • Optional 64-bit processing.
  • Fully vectorized GUI with zoom up to 200%.


PUNCH supports channel counts from mono to 16 for immersive workflows, and all common sampling rates from 44.1kHz to 192kHz, depending on available CPU resources. PUNCH runs as 64-bit AAX Native, AU, and VST 3. The plug-in supports macOS 10.15.x or newer, on Intel & Apple Silicon processors, and Windows 10 or newer. PUNCH uses PACE copy protection, requiring a free ilok.com account, and can be activated to the hard drive of your computer or an iLok 2 or newer USB dongle. PUNCH is single user/seat licensed, but allows dual activations for convenience.


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